A serum biochemistry, usually shortened to just “chemistry”, provides one of the best overall assessments of health and organ function available via bloodwork. Keep reading to see all the systems evaluated by a chemistry panel!
Kidney function is measured primarily by the levels of waste products in the blood. Since the kidneys filter and excrete these products, an increase in values could signify renal disease.
Multiple proteins exist within the blood. Albumin is a major protein that is responsible for maintaining calcium levels and fluid distribution. Immunoglobulins are required for an appropriate immune response.
Liver and biliary health is assessed by levels of the metabolites it processes (such as bilirubin) as well as specific enzymes that increase if areas of the liver are stressed.
Blood electrolyte levels are tightly regulated by the body though a number of complicated physiologic systems. Any abnormalities can lead to serious health consequences, including heart failure.
Skeletal muscles can release enzymes into the blood after episodes of trauma or stress. This could include anything from compression from laying down more than normal to rhabdomyolysis (“tying up”).
Lipid values can also be measured via a chemistry panel. Just like in people, abnormalities in triglyceride or cholesterol levels can indicate metabolic dysfunction.