Equine Services

On Farm Services

Practice vehicles are fully equipped with mobile equipment to provide on-farm and emergency service.

Special Interests

Special interests of Janssen Veterinary Clinic include wellness, preventative medicine, lameness diagnostics and treatment, equine dentistry, reproduction (breeding assistance, evaluation of mare and stallion) surgery and purchase examinations.


Janssen Veterinary Clinic utilizes numerous consultants to expand available services to clients and patients. JVC maintains good working relationships with specialists in radiology, ultrasound, medicine and surgery. The clinic also enjoys a close interaction with a number of farriers who visit whenever needed.

Preventative Medicine

We firmly believe in the value of continuing education for our staff and our clients. Our staff, working in unison with an educated, knowledgeable owner can provide an effective health care program that will minimize disease and injuries. Cost efficient wellness programs can be tailored to meet the needs of our patients and owners.